To make your website spam free follow these 5 steps

Every internet user today uses email, social media, websites, messengers, and the like. And everybody knows what spam messages are. But when talking about spam, there is something called a Spam Score. A high Spam Score can deteriorate the authority and ranking opportunities for any website, if so then Spam Score Checker can really be the solutions? But the real questions that you need to ask are what is a Spam Score, what’s the impact of a spam score, and how you ensure a spam-free website? Let’s first understand what a Website Spam Score means. 

What is a Spam Score and Why is it Important?

A Spam Score is a metric developed by the most popular Moz that analyzes SEO data of any given URL to find out how spammy they are. The Spam Score of any given website helps you determine how trustworthy the website is.  A Spam Score of zero indicates a completely trustworthy while a score of 15 denotes a site that needs work and cannot be trusted.

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Why are users checking Spam Scores on Spam Score Checker?

If you are a blogger, about to write for another website, you will definitely want to write for a website that is completely trustworthy and has good authority. Similarly, if you already own a website, and you have backlinks from different external sources, you will want to check how reliable and trustworthy the sources are. 

This is mainly because links from bad sources can deteriorate your website’s spam score and authority as well. Another reason why you might want to check your spam score is that you want to see where you stand in terms of trustworthiness among your market competitors. To determine the same, you will need to check your own spam score and also your competitors’ spam scores individually by pasting the competitor’s website URL on a Spam Score Checker

If you have a lower spam score than your competitors, you have nothing to worry about, but if you have a higher score than your competitors, you might want to check the sources of your backlinks immediately so that you don’t fall behind the competition. Even if you are an influencer, and are about to collaborate with a brand, it is a good first step to head to their website, copy the URL, and check their spam score in an online free Spam Score Checker

Make your website spam-free in the following 5 Steps.

As a business or as a website owner you will never want spammy websites linking back to your site because that will affect your site’s backlink portfolio negatively. This will also harm your organic rankings on the Google SERPs. The Google Algorithm can even penalize your website for spammy backlinks. It is not just important to have a bag of backlinks, but also important to make sure that all of them are from trustworthy sources.

Here are 5 Simple Ways to Make Your Website Spam Free

  • Recognize Spammy Element On Your Website

    Begin with checking your website’s Spam Score on a Spam Score Checker tool. If your Spam Scores are high, straight away head to conducting an in-depth audit of your website. Try to identify all the elements on your website that are contributing to your spam scores such as spammy backlinks, poor content, or any other element triggering spammy behavior.
  • Remove Spammy Backlinks & Implement White-Hat Link Building

    You can use many tools like the Google Search Console to spot and remove spammy and harmful backlinks. You can email webmasters to request them to remove spammy links as soon as they can. Set a goal to earn high-quality backlinks only. The key is to do that through White-Hat SEO practices which is a term used to define ethical SEO Practices. Do your research on which kind of link-building practices Google considers to be spammy.
  • Check for Security Drawbacks

    Maintain a routine of checking your website health regularly at least twice in 30 days. Scan your URL for any malware and security drawbacks. The best way to ensure that your website is secure is to secure the URL with HTTPS. Additionally, you can get help from your developers to implement robust website security measures for your website.
  • Improve Content Quality & On-Page SEO

    Make sure that your website content is high quality, niche-relevant, useful to the target audience, SEO-optimized, and updated at all times. Your content should be free of any plagiarism and avoid keyword stuffing as well. Even though AI-written content was a concern in the beginning, as AI was largely being used, Google rolled out an algorithm update approving AI-written content as long as it is relevant to the audience. The only ranking factor is that your content has to provide value to the user. Another factor that always deserves your attention is your On-Page SEO. Meta Tags, Meta Descriptions, Image Alt Texts, target keywords, all these elements are a must for a good website. If you want to rank higher, you have to invest time and effort in both content and SEO.
  • Focus on UX & Regularly Update Website

    The User Experience of your website is one of the core factors that determine whether you can engage and sustain your website visitors. Hence make sure to get your UX on point not just by implementing an attractive design but also by improving the website loading speed, making sure the website is mobile-friendly and easily navigable on mobile devices, and more. A good user experience will reduce your website spam scores significantly. The other most important thing you should do is to update your website content regularly. Add fresh content to your website regularly and and make sure that all your plugins and themes are updated and maintained at all times. If you have outdated software, it could put your website at security risk which is not something Google wants.


In this age, digital marketers are not just checking spam scores and leaving it at that. They’re going beyond and putting in active efforts to make the best use of the data they derive from a Spam Score Checker. Website owners are checking spam scores of external websites that are backlinking to them or bloggers are checking website spam scores of the websites they are going to write for. The application of Spam Scores has expanded drastically over time. So, Apply these 5 steps and watch the change as you go!


What does it mean if I have high spam scores?

Ans. It means it’s time for you to conduct an in-depth audit of your website health and also audit all the sources that are linking back to your website.

Can my website’s Spam Score affect my website’s rankings?

Ans. Not directly. There is no clear proof that Google considers a website’s spam scores as a ranking factor. However, SEO specialists over the years have noticed that websites with a higher spam score have no authority and poor rankings on the SERPs.

How Can I Improve My Spam Score?

Ans. Remove spammy links, implement white-hat link-building strategies, check security features, focus on on-page SEO, and update your website regularly.

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